LoGarItMa KehidUpan

Log 10= KeHiDupaN yg SelAlu X IndaH.....WhY??

BowiNK Laaa CAmPUs LIfes Nie.....Xde PE Nk WaT
NK CRi Bf BWu Pun Xde MooD sBB dh Hlng smnGAt
Tah LAa May B....One DAy....I GuesS...
Btol KE LaKi PLU smua Nk YnG henSeM gak.....
Tah Laaa.....MlaZ nk fIkir sApa henseM sapA X...YG PeNtINg HoNeSt

KLas Sem 2 Dah STArt.....
tpI BosaN mbM y x lPas SEm 1 BYak...
So Dah BYak YG OUT....
emmmm....SdeY gler...huhuhuhu
KEhidupaN berlogaritMa
HopE I Had WonDerfuL life TheN


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