conTinoUs AnxioUS (paRT 2) AboUT too STarT agAIn....

Hiii...sMua...Bwu jer hbs tUlis pOst sMlm aRi nie tUlis lG.... Msti koRang trtnya2 ap ConteNT utk Part 2 Kan.....actuallY xde ap pun cume...NK bgthu Thu sEM 2 Mg TouGH laaaaa Subject2 dyer....Xlart Nk bawak
Tkut Jer X leY Lepas....Sem NIE.....POinter SeM 1 Pun dH laaa X sehebAT maNE Pun...... Tua Laaa Pasal.....KegeRunan Utuk Sem2 laGi meNakuTkan.....I Hope I caN maKE it THis Time......Cte PNyeR cte Ak Asyk TRgaT kAmpUng HalamaN(AloR SeTar) y terCintAS....Dah Nk HOMe sick NIE...huHuHU...Kesdey HaN..dah NIe...MengiMbaS KemBLi 2009....RanGKuman

1)MSuk PLKN (Dis o8-MArch 09)
2) ReSULt SPM ( 11 MArch 09) jgn TNya DapT BPE....dah LUpe...hehehe
3) BUlan 4,5,6,7 09 (MElePak)
4) SMbunk BLjaR (juLAi 09)
5)CamPUs LIfe (JUly,AUgust,SeP,noV 09) 
6) PutuS ciNTA (Nov 09)
7) KEnaL BYAk New FreN (sEPANjaNG thuN)
8)Cty SEm 1( diS 09)
*seGala y diAtas adLh Yg LAgi TPi mgKN tue lAaa ConClusiON nyer...dRI thuN 2009

OkaY...THUN 2010 Dh 2 Mgu.....So...TherE ManY weeKS to ComE...ANythiNG can happen IN 2010....
MY hOpe Is EverYTHing flowS goodS....i Hope tHIs yEar goING to BE Best YeaR thaN 2009....
 jDi Blog folloWEr KEep follOW K mY 


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