CoNtiNous WriTing ON aNxiOUS thinG???????(part 1)

waaaa...hdup ni mg unpredictable kan....everything seems has to happen not happen as we want too....BTW i  dont THiNK??my life it wonderful yet...tahh laaa mgkin 1 hari nti apbla "bunyi bersatu kau milik ku"...hahaha lirik lgu misha plak....musim dah bergnti musim...hdup beganti hidup...dari kita terSergam ke dunia nie...smpe laaa dh UMO 19 Nie....pglaman Y pahit mngatsi Y 
Manis....n Then

for Best Buddies Ever....eventhough we never meet...but i bet that one day....i promise that MEt k.....anything just give me a Buzzz...nk KTa hdup NIe besT x laaa best sgt actually....tpi i seems had live with it...k see yaa later WAIt For CONtiNous WritING PArt 2


  1. lol, camna naik nama orang nie, hahahaha,
    erm, orang dah follow pown blog nie..
    just tak letak kat blog orang lagi jer,
    nanti orang letakkan.
    erm, care to explain apsal anxious? and not curios?


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