if this was a movie...a thousand years im still dalam carta hati

salam cuty kwan2 lame kn x update my blog..sorry laahh...i bz sket lately fhm2 laa
dah final year kan..kna kerah tenaga dekat PPUM...kerja kot...
so lately hdup i msih lgi lonely...lonely sgt2 yelahh...BF pun xda...asyik terperak je dlm bilik nie hah....
so ap cher kowank???

if this was movie da lme aku happy sbb at the end good always got is redemption, and the lead can kiss his   chicks...but it different here...reality check...is not like movie though..
btw guys i da ad twitter follow la ea...@fie_junsu....
hehehe..i ske korean nie...
sbb tue ad junsu

ap2 pun i still miss my EX ...walaupun da setahun kami break....and to my so call BF y dah berubah.. i still akan support dy...thnks kpda y follow my BLOG y bodoh2 niee...actually my BLOG more to dairy instead others...so mg byak sket cte psal My life...
btw my pleasure and grateful if u all follow my BLOG and twiiter


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