You Are My Sonia.....Hot N cold...velentine days

Today was 14/feb/2010
is velentine day and lunar New Year
so happy those who celebrate it....
okay ingt x ag ngn sistem numbering history okay today kita nk guna kn lag k

summary for entire scene of my life...
1)gduh2 mnjer ngn spa lg...@bubu
2)cty mid sem smngu yeeeaaaahhhh blik kmpung(haha kg laaa sgt) bndraya alor setar k....
3)cty2 1 negeri kedah......
4)karok2 smpe pcah ank tekak ak byangkn 26 lgu melalak.....
5)lepak kat port port seniri...(secret resipe)
6)mgumpat@caruttt sesiapa shaja yg dkehendaki....
7)mkn x henti2 msa cty sbb nk qada blik wtu kt s.alam xdpt mkn...huhuhuh cdey taw...
8)happy hari kksh ku....happy birthday n lunar new year to my frenxx that celebrated it....GONG XI FA CAI
9)makn...n titow tiap2 hari
10) Nk tkar henset gak xkira

okay that was the conclusion between last post within this see u in the next post i love u.....muaaaaahhh
im fie out damn hot....


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