Nobody singgin to never ending story....futuristics lover

hye guys...lme x updatge blog nie kan...hhehehe...nk wat camne..busy laa kata...
hmmm...tajuk for this new post is nobody singgin to me sang by Charice..
kowank ptt dengar kot lagu nie BEST... how u guys life...hmm let me guess mesti tgh musim becinta kn..
biasa laa musim megawan la katakn...
so whatcha doing folks...i mean with the musim mengawan,...
anda mencari ka ...anda dicari ka...
hurmmm...myself for this few months..not bad little bit busy...
al maklum laa nk posting kat hospital kan this SEMESter...
so, i  met this new guys..and i think he has something others dont have... that was love towards GOD...
OMG ...yes my GOD...
bila cita pasal GOD smua PLU mesti takut kn...
so good cause guys still have fear towards god...
ingat kan da mati nafsu nk takut..
so ...kowank msti nk thu my numbering history kan...
so let me tell u this...i dont think this time..i nk wat that method..i dunno maybe ..i nk simple towards writing kot..xkisah kan... sedikit sebanyak byak skit post aku ley tulis...lagpun ak da terbiasa plak menulis panjang2...
skank dah thun 2011..ase mcm cepat je msa berlalu...ak da pnah ad 3 bf y ak sgt2 syg..
dan hampir ke3 nye smua mcm hampeh je...but im okay jekkk...namapun dunia PLU kan...
so aku hdap je...mcm nie laa kehdupan kita...putus kaple putus kaple lek...ase mcm da bosan lak kan...tapi nk mcam ner....dah aku y pilih dunia PLU ...
so aku kena trima hakikat nie...rite...
okay kat sini ak nk bg sedikt nsihat kepda smua..
petama jangan cpt juth cinta
jagn asyik judge org
jangan mnilai dari luaran..
jangan hirau dengam past psangn anda..
cuba cri y terbaik untuk anda...
bida y akn dapt mengikut keprluan...
so until next post.
i hope PLU will changes someday
fie is not foe...
but i can be one..but never request..
fie out damn hot....


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