After so long , about 2 years i Guess...i'm back With My another anxious story 2016 chapter, thanks for all this year reading commmneting eventhough nothinguch here
sudah cukup sudah..aku menyesal..
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hye smua , bru2 nie fie dapt berita buruk y paling buruk dalam hdup fie...fie x sangka org y fie syg sgt2, akhirnya kmbli ke dunia PLU....actually bulan 10 thun lepas dy ad ckp nk berubah, fie trma perubhan atas dasar iman dy terhadap TUHAN, tp sapa sngka bulan 4 mnjdi bulan penutup keinsafan dy...dy kembali ke dunia PLU ini..y fie sedih sgt2 fie thu sendiri, atas dasar instict...sapa y x terkejut...luluh hancur hati fie..sngt2 hancur...hanya tuhan je tahu betpa hancur nye fie...fie dah berkorban 6 bulan x terima cinta dari dy..sbb fie syg dy sgt2 tp ap kn daya...seseorang telah mengubah dy mnjdi ap y fie takutkan sblum ini... next post fie akn tulis surat kepada dy... fie out damn hot.. thanks followers blog nie..
if this was a movie...a thousand years im still dalam carta hati
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salam cuty kwan2 lame kn x update my blog..sorry laahh...i bz sket lately fhm2 laa dah final year kan..kna kerah tenaga dekat PPUM...kerja kot... so lately hdup i msih lgi lonely...lonely sgt2 yelahh...BF pun xda...asyik terperak je dlm bilik nie hah.... so ap cher kowank??? if this was movie da lme aku happy sbb at the end good always got is redemption, and the lead can kiss his chicks...but it different here...reality not like movie though.. btw guys i da ad twitter follow la ea...@fie_junsu.... hehehe..i ske korean nie... sbb tue ad junsu ap2 pun i still miss my EX ...walaupun da setahun kami break....and to my so call BF y dah berubah.. i still akan support dy...thnks kpda y follow my BLOG y bodoh2 niee...actually my BLOG more to dairy instead mg byak sket cte psal My life... btw my pleasure and grateful if u all follow my BLOG and twiiter
tonight we are young,...yeke???
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hye frenz lame x update blog nie...sorry sebb malas sgt2... skank nie da single...da masuk 1 thun single.. so i think i can manage kot!!lately my ex smua entah laa...srang ke SYURGA...sorang lagi sah2 masih NERAKA kot...apapun still doakan kita sama2 berubah k.. actually lme x cot cet cot cet kt blog kan... fie tgh sbuk kn diri dgn bnda2 y bukan PLU sbb xnk ase sunyi x berteman... tgk mbe kple ase jgak jeles...sampai satu tahap ase jijik dgn PLU pun nk wat mcm ne..aku sendiri pun PLU cuma x tegar la kan...My PLU life is simple LOVE...not SEX mcm kowank kt luar sana tue... cuma kdang2 curious how ur entertain yourself if u are single... byak persoalan y berada di minda nie... Ad usaha mencari tapi bila thu dy nk LUBANG aku...terpaksa aku lupa kan dy.. i am more than a hole u freak!!! i need LOVE instead u fucking me...oppss st8 to the point kan... i disagree love comes after fucking a hole.. apa2 pun...jagn cepat judge org k... x semesti nya ko perfect ko x cacat...aku sendiri ...
Nobody singgin to never ending story....futuristics lover
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hye guys.. .lme x updatge blog nie kan...hhehehe...nk wat camne..busy laa kata... hmmm...tajuk for this new post is nobody singgin to me sang by Charice. . kowank ptt dengar kot lagu nie BEST ... how u guys life...hmm let me guess mesti tgh musim becinta kn.. biasa laa musim megawan la katakn... so whatcha doing fol ks.. .i mean with the musim mengawan,... anda mencari ka ...anda dicari ka... hurmmm...myself for this few months..not bad little bit busy... al maklum laa nk posting kat hospital kan this SEMESter... so, i met this new guys..and i think he has something others dont have... that was love towards GOD... OMG ...yes my GOD... bila cita pasal GOD smua PLU mesti takut kn... so good cause guys still have fear towards god... ingat kan da mati nafsu nk takut.. so ...kowank msti nk thu my numbering history kan... so let me tell u this...i dont think this time..i nk wat that method..i dunno maybe ..i nk simple towards writing kot..xkisah kan... sedikit seba...
definition Cinta PLU...PLU stand for ..P aling L onglasting U ntung
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Ap a??? yang dimaksud kn dgn PLU . .. paling longlasting untung... . ye laa kan dalam DUNIA cipataan nafsu PLU nie. .. yang PLING longlasting palin untung... .cinta PLu yang asas nya SEx mg xkn kemanaa pegorbanan Wang,Masa da n bnda y lain semata mata utk CINTA plu ini... apa kesudahan nya...AIRMATA y pasti ak menglir ke pp...meratap pemergian si dia dalam hidup.... PLU merupakan satu perkara y "klise" cinta y hakikat nye belum pasti keberhasilan nya...akhir nya berpisah jua.... kepada kawan ku EAST y mengalami kesedihan ... ini sebu ah pegalaman buat mu...y indah itu sementara y cantik itu jadi sandaran.. setiap ciptaan tuhan ad kekurangan... jadi setiap kekurangan perlu dijadikn kelebihan agar kita ke hadapan.... menjadi tnada tnya aku terdapat PLU malaysia... mereka seolah-olah da menetap kn kriteria2 mereka ... ad y NO nie NO tue...seolah2 mereka perfect sudah...kadang2 y tergolong dalm NO NO msti kecewa kan m ereka pun ingin merasakn DUNIA songsang kita nie...bukan me...
2pm & my i'll be back...back to december all the time
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hye ..guys...lme sgt2 x wat new post. . suddenly ,lighting punch onto my face ..n make me realize..u hav life bitch.. i call myself bitch...whatever... actually my life after the last post what not so good... im being in phase where PLU up and a roll of wheel.. wheel spin fast when time is past rite.. okay..after my last post being in sudden death relationship... gduh3 baik semula...i love him but he still play around with me.. the...i found that he slept with others... ak tesentak dikala lamunan ....tersepak dikala keresahan...jantung ak tercabut.... airmata jtuh bejurai2 AK bukan spt PLU diluar sana y dahaga SEX dan bertukar2 pasangan spt 4 musim.... My love is for someone that sanggup love me.. sanggup to withstand your NAFSU NAFSI dari PLU2 y lain... sedar dalam diam masa bergerak dngan pantas...hujan berganti hujan...ribut bertukar ribut..... 2011 is arrive....ak sambut dalam kesedihan.... ak differ study for 2 month...bcoz of that sucker... im li...