2pm & my i'll be back...back to december all the time

hye ..guys...lme sgt2 x wat new post. . suddenly ,lighting punch onto my face ..n make me realize..u hav life bitch.. ahahah..do i call myself bitch...whatever... actually my life after the last post what not so good... im being in phase where PLU up and down...like a roll of wheel.. wheel spin fast when time is past rite.. okay..after my last post ..im being in sudden death relationship... gduh3 baik semula...i love him but he still play around with me.. the...i found that he slept with others... ak tesentak dikala lamunan ....tersepak dikala keresahan...jantung ak tercabut.... airmata jtuh bejurai2 AK bukan spt PLU diluar sana y dahaga SEX dan bertukar2 pasangan spt 4 musim.... My love is for someone that sanggup love me.. sanggup to withstand your NAFSU NAFSI dari PLU2 y lain... sedar dalam diam masa bergerak dngan pantas...hujan berganti hujan...ribut bertukar ribut..... 2011 is arrive....ak sambut dalam kesedihan.... ak differ study for 2 month...bcoz of that sucker... im li...